
Edmonton real estate

  Toronto Real Estate Market - An Overview In the Toronto real estate market just like Canadian winters can be as a sluggish place to navigate for the average Joe.   With new federal mortgage laws implemented in January of 2018; many homeowners have been priced out of the market. Moreover, existing owners have noticed their property values remained unchanged or falling with an average decline of 4 percent. In a time when property isn't as a sure investment we look at what has been happening with Toronto's Toronto residential market to cause this decline and what is the wheel of fortune likely to turn over the next 12 months?  Edmonton real estate Mixed fortunes In recent years , property prices have been rising exponentially across the GTA And while this has been an exciting time for many homeowners, it's also been an unintended consequence in that the fewer buyers have been able to afford the ladder of property.   Those who did buy in the midst of a high price but then fel